The End of the World Might Not Have Taken Place (La fin du monde n’aurait pas eu lieu), Paris 2017.
Dalkey Archive Press, Chicago 2019.
Italian, 2018, Czech, 2018, Portuguese, 2022.
A History of France † For Our Dearly Departed (Histoire de France † À notre chère disparue), Paris 2014.
Czech, 2016.
Case Closed (Ad acta), Prague 2006, 2016.
Dalkey Archive Press, Chicago 2010.
Hungarian, 2009; Bulgarian, 2009; French, 2012; Serbian, 2015; Latvian, 2016; Italian, 2016; Dutch, 2017; Arabic, 2018; Romanian, 2019; Polish, 2021, Turkish, 2022.
The Opportune Moment, 1855 (Příhodná chvíle, 1855), Prague 2006.
Dalkey Archive Press, Chicago 2011.
French, 2006; Hungarian, 2006; Bulgarian, 2006; German, 2007; Spanish, 2007; Polish, 2007, Italian, 2007, Dutch, 2013; Romanian, 2016, Arabic, 2022.
Europeana: A Brief History of the Twentieth Century (Europeana. Stručné dějiny dvacátého věku), Prague 2001,2002, 2006, 2012.
Dalkey Archive Press, Chicago 2005, 2006, 2008, 2011.
German, 2003, 2005, 2019; Serbian, 2003, 2006; Dutch, 2003, 2012; Hungarian, 2003, 2006, 2009; Bulgarian, 2003, 2005; French, 004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2015; Lithuanian, 2004, 2012; Polish, 2005; Spanish, 2005; Greek, 2005; Swedish, 2005; Italian, 2005, 2009, 2018; Bielorussian, 2006, 2012; Slovene, 2006, 2011; Hebrew, 2006; Turkish, 2006; Russian, 2006; Croatian, 2006; Danish, 2007; Georgian, 2009; Arabic, 2014; Japanese, 2014; Romanian, 2014; Slovak, 2014, 2016; Ukrainian, 2015; Latvian, 2015; Persian, 2015, 2016; Norwegian, 2015, 2016; Korean, 2015; Macedonian, 2016; Albanian, 2017; Portuguese, 2017; Estonian, 2018; Chinese, 2018; Filipino, 2021, Finnish, 2022.
Treatise on the Proper Use of Wine, Grandly & Unremittingly, for the Pleasure of Body & Soul & in Defense Against All Manner of Ailments of the Limbs, External and Internal, Composed for the Instruction & Use of the Brothers of the Swilling Brigade (Pojednání o případném pití vína...), Prague 1995, 2002, 2012.
French, 2007; Spanish, 2009; Italian, 2009.
Year Twenty-Four (Rok čtyřiadvacet), Prague 1995, 2002, 2019.
German, 2007; Hungarian, 2007; Italian, 2009, French, 2018.
The Extraordinary Adventures of Prince Chicory... (O princi Čekankovi, jak putoval za princeznou...), Prague 1993, 2008.
Cautionary Tales (Výstražné příběhy), Prague: Souvislosti, 3, 2013.
Hungarian, 2016.
House of the Barefoot Man (Dům bosého), Prague 2004.
German, 2010; French 2012.
Poems Partly in Prose (Básně zčásti v próze), Prague: Host, 8, 2003
Italian, 2005.
If I Don’t Say So (Neřkuli), Prague 1996.
Or Else (Anebo), Prague 1992.
Today and After Tomorrow (Dnes a pozítří), Brno 2012.
Italian, 2011, French 2012.
Stop to pornography (Pryč s pornografií), Prague 2014.
Antialkoran (Antialkorán), Prague 2017.
Correspondances / Correspondencias : Angel Erro & Patrik Ourednik, San Sebastián 2016.
On the Free Exercise of Language (Svobodný prostor jazyka), Prague 2013.
It Was Utopus Who Made Me an Island (Utopus to byl, kdo učinil mě ostrovem), Prague 2010.
In Search of Lost Language (Hledání ztraceného jazyka), Prague 1997.
Forgotten words (Slova v zapomenutí daná), Prague 2021.
The Key Is at the Bar (Klíč je ve výčepu), Prague 2000, 2014.
And There Is No New Thing under the Sun: A Dictionary of Biblical and Parabiblical Expressions (Aniž jest co nového pod sluncem. Slova, rčení a úsloví biblického původu), Prague 1994, 2011.
Rough-book of the Czech Language: A Dictionary of Unconventional Czech (Šmírbuch jazyka českého. Slovník nekonvenční češtiny), Paris 1988, 1989; Prague 1992, 2005, 2016.
French > Czech
Boris Vian: Chroniques, textes, nouvelles, Prague, 1981 (Samizdat).
Raymond Queneau: Exercices de style, Prague, 1985 (Samizdat), 1993, 2012.
Michel Butor: Entrepôt, Paris 1985.
Boris Vian: Le Loup-garou, Paris, 1986.
Samuel Beckett: En attendant Godot, Paris, 1986; Prague 1996, 2005, 2010.
Samuel Beckett: Mirlitonnades, Paris, 1986; Prague, 2010.
Marcel Béalu: Le Mort-vivant, Paris, 1988.
Claude Simon: L’Invitation, Paris, 1988.
Samuel Beckett: Catastrophe, Prague, 1990.
Boris Vian: Trouble dans les Andains, Prague, 1992, 1995, 1999.
Boris Vian: Les fourmis, Prague, 1994.
Jacques Vaché: Lettres de guerre, Prague, 1994.
Henri Michaux: Un certain Plume, Prague, 1995.
François Rabelais: Pantagrueline Prognostication, Prague, 1995.
Alfred Jarry: Spéculations, Prague, 1997.
Raymond Queneau: On est toujours trop bon avec les femmes, Prague, 2001.
François Rabelais: Pantagruel, Prague, 2022.
Czech > French
Ivan Wernisch: Včerejší den (Au jour d’hier), Paris, 1990.
Jan Skácel: Zátiší s hodinami (Paysage avec pendules), Paris, 1990.
Vladimír Holan: Na celé ticho (À tue-silence), Paris, 1990.
Vladimír Holan: Propast propasti (L’Abîme de l’abîme), Bassac, 1991.
Miroslav Holub: Minimální program (Programme minimal), Strasbourg, 1997.
Jan Zabrana: Celý život (Toute une vie), Paris, 2005.